You can tell he's really happy being the center of his Mommy and Daddy's attention.
Shannon sent me this short video of him doing his "Happy Dance".
It just kills me not to be able to hold him and love on him! What a cutie pie!
It just kills me not to be able to hold him and love on him! What a cutie pie!
It's always great to be able to spend time with some of my favorite Brenda Lou from Scottie Dog Quilts, (Liz's Mom). She showed us how to make a braided rug that she found on Moda's Bake Shop.
I started the cute bear quilt for Kellen that I ordered from Connecting Threads. It's going to be super cute!
I also won a pattern using 36 charm squares. It was VERY tedious, but I managed to get this much finished. I just have to put the borders on. I will never make this pattern again, so I gave it to Pam.
Well, that's what I got to do yesterday. Friends and quilting. Life is good. the way...that sneaky Angie tried to get me to eat sugar by getting that cute little Cade of hers to give me a cookie! You have to watch that Angie like a Hawk!
I also got a call from Kellen....breathing into the phone. He got the 3 soft books I had made from panels. His daddy says he loves them. I forgot to take a picture of them before I sent them, but hopefully they will take a picture of Kellen reading them.
I'm almost finished piecing the quilt I'm making for Shannon's friend's wedding. Just the outer border to go. Then I can go quilt it!
Chirp, Chirp,
I’ve also been making another table runner from Angie’s pattern on Moda Bake Shop. (You’ll have to scroll down a little to see it) This one is for Jodi at work. I used two charm packs so that’s why it’s so long. Now all I have to do is get it quilted.